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Welcome to this
year’s magazine!

     A warm welcome to Mellby Gård's Annual
    Magazine 2022. Last year we wanted to try
 something new to highlight all the good things
happening in and around us and our companies –
    an annual magazine instead of a yearbook.

       The response to the magazine has been overwhelmingly
                                                  positive, with a nomination for the Publishing Prize
                                                  serving as ultimate confirmation that the stories about
                                        our companies and projects have been highly appreciated.
                                       This year’s magazine is in the same vein. It offers insights into
                                        all our companies, highlights some of our social commitments
                                        and employees and, given the volatility of the world around
                                        us, also discusses issues such as inflation, problems with raw
                                        materials supply and general market concerns.
                                        We also highlight sustainability as an overarching theme. This
                                        is an issue that is and will remain important in terms of how our
                                        companies conduct their business, but also regarding how we
                                        as an owner company value current and future companies in
                                        our portfolio. Two new investments were made during the year,
                                        both strongly linked to a key sustainability issue: the right to
                                        clean water.
                                        We at Mellby Gård are happy that you’re currently sitting with
                                        our magazine in front of you. We wish you a pleasant reading

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