Page 7 - Danir_Arsbok_2022_ENG
P. 7



   A year of outstanding
     drive and heroism.

   The year 2022 began the same way as 2021 ended.            During the year, we have enjoyed growth of 29% and
        The COVID-19 pandemic continued to rage, but          have established offices in several new countries,
   despite it all, our operations were in full swing. Growth  among them Colombia, Portugal, and the Czech
   is back up after a slump during the pandemic.              Republic. We have maintained our strong focus on
                                                              digitalisation and technology. The group now has
      On 24 February 2022, Russia started a terrible          11,600 employees working at around 130 subsidiaries
   war of aggression against Ukraine, and we once again       in 25 countries.
   found ourselves in an uncertain world. Thanks to care-
   ful preparation and great commitment and heroism,             As a result of strategy work carried out by Poolia in
   our Ukrainian business, Sigma Software, managed to         2022, the group has been renamed PION Group. The
   execute its evacuation plan with exceptional success,      group has also made a number of acquisitions. Sigma
   evacuating 2,800 people, employees and their families,     Software acquired Eventyr, which has expertise in the
   especially from Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine. Our            metaverse and Sigma Civil strengthened its presence
   employees in Ukraine are true heroes.                      in Stockholm through the acquisition of Scandina-
                                                              vian Tunneling. Nexer has continued its expansion
      A major focus for Sigma Software was to get their       through the acquisitions of Telescope Services AB and
   employees back to working full-time as soon as possible.   US-based Rangeline Solutions. And PION acquired
   The ability to continue to deliver to our customers        Workspace Recruit, which provides a tool that makes
   was (and is) important for both the business and its       it easier for customers to recruit employees.
   employees. For our employees, the ability to continue
   working is important because it allows them to build a        During the year, we have also seen our societal
   personal financial buffer whilst giving them something     engagements grow. Star for Life has expanded its oper-
   meaningful to do in the midst of all the misery.           ations to Ukraine and East Jerusalem, where it helps
                                                              children and young people improve their self-esteem
      Sigma Software has demonstrated an impressive           while instilling them with IT knowledge.
   drive and capacity to adapt and create as safe an exist-
   ence as possible for its employees and their families.        We were also a proud main sponsor when Malmö
                                                              hosted the Special Olympics Games, Sweden’s
      Employees from our other operational locations          selection competition for the 2023 World Games in
   have also made great efforts to help Ukraine. Within       Berlin. 1,000 participants in 12 sports were on site
   the group, various fundraising initiatives have been       and competed in their sports over the course of three
   launched that have raised millions of Swedish kronor       memorable days in Malmö.
   for the Ukrainian cause. Together with Ebba Lindsö
   and Valery Krasovsky, Dan Olofsson also took the initi-    You can learn about this and much more in Danir’s
   ative to develop “Swedes for Ukraine”, a platform that     2022 Yearbook. Happy reading!
   helps refugees from Ukraine find accommodation in
   Sweden by putting them in direct contact with Swedes       Johan Glennmo  Andreas Olofsson Tarantino
   who have available rooms or homes.

      At the same time, operations within the Danir
   Group have continued to develop in a good way.
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