Page 4 - Stockholm-Exergi-2021-in-brief
P. 4


Stockholm Exergi
in brief

Stockholm Exergi is Stockholm’s energy company. Around the clock, all year round, we ensure that
the growing Stockholm region has access to heating, cooling, electricity and waste management
services. Today, more than 800,000 Stockholmers and more than 400 hospitals, data centres and
other businesses are connected to the district heating network, linked to our heating and cogen-
eration plants from Högdalen in the south to Brista in the north. By working together, we contribute
to driving Stockholm towards the potential of becoming the world’s first climate-positive capital.

Owners: City of Stockholm (50%) and Ankhiale (50%)
Area we heat: 73 million square metres
Proportion of renewable or recycled energy used in the district heating network: 98%

                                               District heating
                                               District cooling

                Brista plant

Hässelby plant

                                               Värtan plant

                                                                 Hammarby plant

                              Högdalen plant

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