Benefits of using online publications

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Benefits of using online publications

Save time and resources

Whether you sell products or services, an online ePaper is an easy, affordable and professional way to be seen on the web.

Catalogs, customer magazines, product brochures, annual reports, guides and training materials. Since you already have the printed material ready, why not put it online right away? The material is already finished. An online publication is a cost effective way to market internationally in different markets and reach more readers. Low IT efforts, no IT skills needed!

Reach a wider audience and enrich your online publication

The online publication is readable 24/7 on your website and readable on all platforms. You can embed the publication anywhere.

Offer a more immersive reading experience for your readers in your browsable online publication by enriching the publication. It can be e.g. a video greeting from the CEO in the annual report, a small product explanation for a gadget or a video of a lecture in the course / training material. A brief description of how to use something.

Why use only PDF on the website?

Having only a PDF file is heavy and large to load, plus it takes up capacity of the reader’s platform. An online publication is easy, lightning fast and easy to read in all formats. You can have a link in the online publication for downloading the PDF file if needed as long as you make it easy.

MagNet e-Publishing

MagNet e-Publishing is a well-known brand. The MagNet e-Publishing service has been successful for 12 years. The hosting-based service is dedicated to improving companies’ marketing communication. The service does not require investments, specialist knowledge or the support of the IT department. All you need is an Internet connection. Try it for free: