Page 5 - Concria-Optimal-Slab-Industrial-Brochure
P. 5

12 000 m2 Schenker, Finland


            The benefits of using dry-shake toppings in concrete floors have been known for a while. In
            Slab-on-grade floors, where typically steel and plastic macrofibres are used, visible fibers
            on the top are a problem. Plastic fibers can be burned away but removing steel fibers is a
            challenge. Patented Concria Optimal Slab™ Industrial floors hide all metal and plastic fibers,
            as you can easily apply 7 kg of dry-shake per m2 with Concria™ Trowel Hard nanosilica.

Permissible amounts of fibers remaining on the
surface (fiber / m2)

Floor type       Good quality                Normal Quality
                                             from 6 -10 fibres
No Dry shake     Less than                   from 3-6 fibres
  Dry Shake       6 fibres
     Floor       Less than
                   3 fibres

Concria Optimal  ~0 fibers                   ~0 fibers
Slab™ floor*

* Optimal Slab 7kg/m2 installed in 2 layers

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